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Seal Bay Nature Park is a beautiful and large natural reserve located a short walking distance from the campsite. It is well known for it’s georgous scenery and abundance of wildlife, and is a great place for either a hike, stroll, or bikeride, as it has a wide variety of pathways. For more information and trail maps, visit http://www.rdcs.bc.ca.
Wondering what kind of wildlife you can expect to see at Bates Beach? You’ll be amazed! Our private beachfront location, so near to a nature park and wilderness area, means we are constantly privileged to have many different visitors to the resort. Here is some information on some of the wildlife you will most likely see during your visit, courtesy of Wikipedia.
The mule deer(Odocoileus hemionus) is a deer whose habitat is in the western half of North America. It gets its name from its large mule-like ears. Adult male mule deer are called bucks, adult females are called does, and young of both sexes are called fawns. The black-tailed deer is considered by some a distinct species though it is classified as a subspecies of the Mule Deer. The mule deer’s tail is black tipped. Mule deer antlers are bifurcated, or “fork” as they grow rather than branching from a single main beam (as with white-tails). Each year a buck’s antlers start to grow in spring and are shed after mating season from mid-January to mid-April. This species thrives on the edge of the forest, as the dark forest lacks the underbrush and grasslands that the deer prefers as food, and completely open areas lack the hiding spots and the cover it prefers for harsh weather.
In the spring Sea Lions frequent the local waters looking for a meal of herring which spawn in the local waters in early February and March. They in turn have to watch out as more and more the Transient Killer Whales are getting to know they can get an easy meal of Sea Lions for dinner in the local waters.